Sector/company-specific courses

Lijmacademie also conducts In-Company training with or without EWF certification, as well as developing courses specifically for your company or sector.
For example, in August 2012, Lijmacademie carried out an In-Company adhesive training course at a repair, overhaul and maintenance company in Haarlem, the Netherlands, with 15 participants, and in the period December 2012 to January 2013, it carried out an In-Company adhesive training course at a stainless steel sheet processing company in Belgium, with six participants. In May 2015 at the lab in Rijen, a group of six engineers from a machine builder in Zeeland, and in June 2015 a group of 12 teachers from a secondary school in West Brabant. And in between, an In-Company EAB/EAS refresher training for a supplier of bonded rubber components and and one for a supplier of parts for trains and trams.

In preparation:
– training module for polyester yacht building
– training modules for the car body repair sector
– training module for DIN 2304 – DIN 6701 level 3 training
– refresher for the Dutch-language EAB – Lijmvakman
– refresher for the Dutch-language EAS – Lijmspecialist
– update of the EAB and EAS training packages, with the latest international insights
Further information on request:

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