EAE Adhesive Engineer

Until now, the EWF 662 European Adhesive Engineer training course has only been conducted in German and English. However, there is sufficient interest in the Netherlands and Belgium to start conducting this form of training to become an adhesive engineer in the Dutch language as well. Lijmacademie has found the Fraunhofer IFAM, a Dutch and a Belgian University willing to collaboratively conduct the first Benelux EAE (Dutch/English language) in 2020 & 2021.

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Content of the training

Material Science
This covers the basic aspects of materials for a better understanding of the adhesive engineering. It covers the primary and secondary structures of plastics and other materials are covered and the interrelationship between the structure information and application properties.en.

Bonding properties of substrates
The bonding properties of various substrates (both bulk and surface) are addressed, which are of great importance to understand necessity and effect of material-specific surface treatments to be understood.

Adhesive types, curing mechanisms and processing properties
Processing properties and curing mechanisms of different types of adhesives and their properties after curing are of great importance in adhesive technology. It also discusses the composition and formulation of adhesives. The practical provides further assurance of theory.

Analysis techniques of adhesive products and surfaces
Comprehensive introduction to thermoanalysis and surface analysis methods.

The force exchanges that underpin adhesion are explained as well as current research topics around adhesion. Practical experiments support the theory.

Surface treatment
This includes the cleaning of various surfaces, as well as effectiveness and application examples of specific surface pre- and post-treatment techniques.

Production engineering focused on the adhesive process
This part of the course focuses on rheological behaviour, application and curing techniques of adhesive products. Commonly used auxiliary and production tools are discussed for both manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic processes.

Bonding technique
Various bonding techniques, including welding, riveting and compression bonding, are discussed, focusing on synergy between these techniques and the bonding technique.ek.

Design and engineering
The development of computational models for the behaviour of adhesive bonds is an important research topic. Besides analytical methods and numerical models, thumb rules are also discussed in conjunction with their practical relevance. Using examples, a solution method is explained for calculating adhesive bonds. Attention is also given to assessment of existing designs and safety factors.

Quality management, test methods and obsolescence
From a specific technical point of view, the subject of quality management is further elaborated. The entire process from idea to end-of-life is considered from a quality assurance perspective. Both destructive and non-destructive testing methods are addressed, in combination with aging aspects of adhesive bonds.

Safety, health and environmental aspects
EAE’s scope of work includes decision-making around safety, health and environmental aspects. Physiological and environmental aspects are addressed, together with laws and regulations and protective measures in the adhesive proces

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