EAB Refresher

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Since the start of the Dutch-language training courses in 2011, some 600 Dutch and Flemish) people have been trained to the level of European Adhesive Bonder (EWF 515 EAB). Although the diploma is valid for life, within most quality systems it is desirable to demonstrably keep the knowledge up to date.

This EAB Refresher is intended for that purpose (1 day), but is of course also open to other interested parties. By participating in these refreshers every 2 years, you meet the minimum requirements set by EN 17460 and NEN EN ISO 21368.
These EAB Refreshers are given by Lijmacademie Training Centre B.V., certified by the Nederlands Instituut voor Lastechniek (NIL) as EWF Approved Training Body (ATB) for the training courses European Adhesive Bonder (EWF 515 EAB) and European Adhesive Specialist (EWF 662 EAS).
The first Dutch-language open-enrollment European Adhesive Bonder Refresher will be given on: May 6, 2024